Presence OF PILGRIMS OF CHARITY and actions in France

If most of Pilgrims of Charity's associative investment is in India, cradle of the very creation of our vocation, we can not and must not remain insensitive to the harshness of life that also strikes our fellow citizens in France.

For this, a beautiful project is built stone after stone:

the Hermitage Marie Mother of the Poor, in Auvergne.

The presence in France of the Association of Pilgrims of Charity is marked by a work of awareness and information on its Indian missions. Thus, we do as much as we can, on request, visits to show our work with young people in schools.

Mission of Pilgrims of Charity in France with schools:

The association is pleased to come to the meeting of schools which wish for it, and with the explicit request of the head teacher, to share and testify of his missions.

Hermitage Mary Mother of the Poor

Acquired for that purpose in 2007, the Mill of Azinière became the Center Mary Mother of the Poor on October 10th, 2008, day of its inauguration and its blessing by Mgr. Brincard, bishop of the Puy-en-Velay.

Actions of the Pilgrims of Charity in Paris

The pandemic has made impossible to travel to India or the Caribbean that was planned.


Brother François, who never remains inactive, is therefore strongly committed to helping the poorest on our doorstep, in the French capital.


Misery is also before our eyes, in our streets. Homeless, drug addicts, unemployed, destitute, all these people need, among other things, support, listening, food aid, care.


Luckily the winter was not too harsh but people of all ages had nothing and no roof for the bad weather nights in December, like this little Grandmother from the 18th arrondissement devoid of everything.. While waiting for better, she was able to be taken care of at the hospital...


Maraudes, help with the distribution of meals at the Gare de l'Est are some of the actions carried out since 2020 by the Pilgrims of Charity.



Sunday meal, to regain strength in order to help the most needy in the French capital.

No mass on Sunday without resolving to invite the first poor person to the restaurant.

 Les Pèlerins de la Charité | 7 Allée des Brigamilles | FR-18570 Trouy